08 January, 2009

The In Between Moment

I'm right now in the middle of writing a very special story for a very special someone and have found that I really do need a break or else I'm never gonna finish it. (If you don't understand that statement, feel free to ask!)

So I thought I'd take a moment and do another kind of writing for a bit. Its been a few days since my last update and I know you are all just dying to hear what's been going on. Right? You are right? ... hello? Anyone out there? IS THIS THING ON?


The last few days have been pretty good ones. RL has been somewhat taxing in its own right, drawing me away from my SL time, which I don't care for much at all. A good deal of my SL time has been spent trying to help Jennifer and Stuart resolve the problems they are now facing.

Interestingly enough, the problem they now face was something that Spanks and I discussed at some length this evening in regard to us: the separation between our SL and RL lives. It was something we hadn't really discussed before in great detail, and something I was afraid would come up eventually, as it usually does within serious SL relationships (as has been proven to me again and again by the people around me). I would like to think that I was as clear as he was about my viewpoint on the matter, though I'm not quite sure I was. Hopefully he understands how I feel and knows that he and I do indeed share the same view. I was a bit caught up in the topic at the time, and what I was saying may have been taken to mean something completely different. It has happened before, with devistating results. I don't ever want that to happen again.

As I sat there listening to him, I came to realize that we both see things the same way, and for very similar reasons. I hadn't yet been able to explain to him the reasons behind why I reached the same conclusion that he did as far as relationships, as it is still something that haunts me to this day. I was able to discuss it with someone close to me who is well aware of my past later on, and I feel I'm ready to tell Spanks. He deserves to know, and to know that once again he is not alone when it comes to how he feels.

Confused? You should be if you weren't there for the conversation! (silly readers)

And if you are wondering: No, my feelings toward my beloved have not changed. If anything, once again I feel closer to him. He is still my beautiful soulmate and I love him more than he'll ever know.

Later on I spent some time with Jennifer and helped her make a decision of a new land parcel. I hope she decides to go for it. She really needs time away from Stuart so she can get things clear in her own head.

Afterwards I just managed to make it to the debut of DJ Mirah at a club called Sodom (great name, yea?) in-world. I was only there for maybe 20 minutes but I almost immediately liked the place. Its well run, they have good dancers (they are looking for more dancers by the way, if anyone is interested) and the host was very good at his job. I even won a few Linden from the 'sploder, which never happens!

The rest of the evening has been spent finishing this very special story I told you about. Its just about ready to be handed over and enjoyed. I really hope the person its going to likes it. It has my heart and soul all thru it. I'm writing again like I used to, thanks to this very special person.

Well, back to it. I can't wait to see what I'm going to write next!

Until next time --- Dari

P.S. - This song's for you, love

1 comment:

Spanki Moulliez said...

Thank you for the song, love. I believe in you too. Lookin forward to readin the other thing too. *purrr*

New club sounds great also. And too late for me.. sighhhhhh

=^.^= x
