27 January, 2009


I'm doing my best to keep this log up to date and keep it going, for I believe it is a great way for me to expand my understanding of my experiences within SecondLife. I was planning to write something that I recently discovered about myself when it comes to letting go of old ideas. I was in the middle of writing it (and I promise I will publish it when its finished) when I became quite taken with something that Spanks wrote today (or rather yesterday) on his own blog. It had to do with Einstein, time travel, and the complexities therein, as well as what Einstein would have thought about SL.

I became so very intrigued with his post that I quickly forgot all about my own, and lost my train of thought. All of a sudden it didn't seem so important. That's how powerful his words can be, and just another in the plethora of reasons why I love him so.

There are so many things I could say to expand on his topic, so many directions I could go with it, but to be honest what he said was quite moving and I can't think of a thing to add, other than the video below. Its a clip from one of my favorite all-time science fiction series, Babylon 5. It was written by a man named Joe Straczynski, a most incredible writer and creative soul who I have had the honor of meeting once in my life. His writing style is unbelievably subtle, and his story arcs within B5 are to be reverred. This clip, which is two scenes put together for reference purposes, has a monologue given by the character G'Kar, played by the late, great Andreas Katsulas who passed beyond the rim just over a year ago. Spanks' blog post immediately made me think of G'Kar's words, again a tribute to the power of his own.

May these words have as much an effect on you as they did me - Dari


Spanki Moulliez said...

*whispers* I'll watch that video later cuz I'm sneakin in here from EVIL rl work *booo hisss @ evil RL work*

hehe, you always make me smile goofy loll

kiss x0x

Spanki Moulliez said...

watched it now. i liked what he said, i liked the ant on the finger analogy, i liked when he said 'i am both terrified and reasurred there are still wonders in the universe, that we have not yet explained everything..'
now its got me thinkin. i think when you get into deep thought about us on our little planet inside the infinity of the universe, u do feel the size of a tiny ant and it can be terrifying. like sometimes when i fly up to 4000+ feet in SL its the weirdest feeling. like being the only thing in that virtual place, the same thing is when i think of earth bobbing about in space, and it makes me feel vulnerable, and it makes me wonder about all the troubles and challenges we face on the tiny planet and it kinda puts everything into perspective, in a way i cant really explain except that it makes me want to stop all the petty shit and just understand more about wats out there, and my own existence. hmmmm. anyway. sometimes i get scared we really are all alone, but deep down, i dont really think that. but it can feel like it when you think about all this stuff and you feel very very very very small.

